Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gun Violence in US Kills More Than War

In the US, 1 in every 31 adults is in prison, jail or on supervised release. geath by guns every yrer is more that US deaths in Wars overseas. Yet, the right to own guns continues, while those how incite using guns to kill do not have free speech protection, and can and are prosecuted.

Watch in this video, as a Coffee Klatch, neighbors question prospective DA about their fears about Philly being the wild west, and more dangerous that either detroit or Baltimore. The man speaking, a caucasion, refers to white people as "people like us," and to Affrican Americans as "animals."

Phildelphia is the City where the police actually droped a bomb on the hose of MOVe members, and allowed it to burn, destroying a whole city block, in 1985.

Tension between the "oppressive" police and the "oppressed African American" community continues.

many Affrican Americans contend that "Whites" are making money on black on black violence, by selling durgs and guns into economically depressed inner city neighborhoods.

Recently, a group of Affrican American kids were refused the right to swim at a privat pool, even though they had paid priveliges to do so. White folks left the pool, claiming that they felt afraid of the "black" children that looked different from them.

Look for updated to this story.

Freedom of the Press Missing When covering Western Nations Crackdowns: How Do Western Nations Deal With Riots and Rioters?

Since Nixon paved the way for recognition of China, more and more attention has been focused on how China deals with dissent. Western media make a huge issue out of what is called china's reppression od dissent, and the use of crackdowns, while at the same time covering up their own practices od opressing dissent in their own countries. From time to time, I hope to att to this topic.

France crushes riots, sends rioters to jail with long harsh sentances.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Carlson's Raiders Were Presented With a Silk Banner at The 70th Anniversary Celebration of the ICCIC" Held in Beijing

"With the memory of their sacrifice in mind, let us here dedicate ourselves to the task of bringing into reality the ideals for which they died, that their sacrifice will not have been in vain..."

That is so beautiful, and so inspireing.

What a great leader, and hero he was.

In Beijing, on June 29th, in the meeting hall of the former residence of Soong Ching Ling, The "70th Anniversary Celebration of the ICCIC" was held.

The "Gung Ho" marine, Lt. Col. Evans F. Carlson of the U.S. Marine Corps was honoured, when all the guests joined a chorus in singing the National Anthem of the People's Republic of China, and guests from the United States sang the "The Marine Corps Hymn."

Background: The History of the ICCIC

The Gung Ho movement was started in 1937 in Shanghai by Rewi Alley of New Zealand and some other foreigners together with a group of Chinese patriots. To win support from abroad, collect funds for development and ensure the proper use of foreign aid, the International Committee for the Promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives (ICCIC) was founded in Hong Kong in January 1939. It is an international nongovernmental organization that aims to promote Chinese industrial cooperatives. Soong Ching Ling was elected as honorary chairperson. The work of the committee soon won support among the overseas Chinese and people worldwide.

It suspended its work in 1952 and revived it in 1987. Since that year, the ICCIC has supported a large number of cooperatives in different provinces in China for cooperative principle training, environment improvement and poverty alleviation.

The success of ICCIC's projects has strengthened its ties with other cooperative organizations at home and abroad.

"Those who do not learn from the past, are condemned to repeat it. The purpose of this film is, thus, educational. We have no hatred for the Japanese people."

From 1931 onward, the US responded to increasing japanese agression in China with verbal "condemnations," while continuing to provide material support to Japan.

In 1932, photos of the bombing of Shanghai, shown bombs with "Made in the USA" on them.

As Japan continued to build their Navy, and move deeper into China, and word of horrendous atrocities reached Washington, the US continued to provide material support to Japan, in the face of this agression, even after the all out war against China, the second Sino Japanese war, support for Japan contin ued. Roosevelt confined himself to moral requests to business not to sell war materials to Japan.

October 7th, 1939, a Colliers editorial asked ...
"We're idealist american enough to base this motion for a war materials embargo against Japan chiefly on moral grounds, It is not decent, it is not right, at least by moral standards, for the US to be selling the japanese materials for the slow and merciless enslavement of a peacible nation. This is dirty money."

By 1937 American magazines sensational reports that 55.4% of material support for Japanese agression against China came from America. That included materials that were unavailable from any other source, including hi grade steel, machery and lubricating oils.

Dec 9th Japanese take Nanjing

November of 1937 found the Japanese Army racing towards Nanking, its troops operating on the southern bank of the Yangtze and in the river delta. As Iris Chang recounts in The Rape of Nanking, the Japanese army left a swath of destruction in its path, murdering helpless civilians, committing countless rapes, and conducting wanton atrocities. The fall of the city would prove to be one of the bloodiest episodes in WWII, with more than 300,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers killed in a mere six weeks.

The death toll, Chang notes, “exceed(ed) that of the atomic blasts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined”.

(but only Chinese were killed, as Europeans, Americans and Nazi's looked on with much hand wringing)

On Dec 12, 1937, the Japanese bombed and sank the US Gunboat panay, in the Yangze river near Nanjing.

The Nanjing Massacre began on Dec 13th.

Still the US continued to provide war materials to the Japanese for their war against China.

October 7th, 1939, a Colliers editorial asked ...

"We're idealist american enough to base this motion for a war materials embargo against Japan chiefly on moral grounds, It is not decent, it is not right, at least by moral standards, for the US to be selling the japanese materials for the slow and merciless enslavement of a peacible nation. This is dirty money."

In July 1940, the Japanese demanded britan close the Burma Road, and the US moved it's Naval Fleet from the west coast to pearl harbour. In september japan forced the Vichey government to asccept japanese Army bases to cut the supply routs to China. 11days later Japan signed the AXIS agreements.

Only then did Washington embargo more metals, aviation fuel and aviation techknowledgies.

Japan then signed a non agression treaty with the soviets, so they could focus on the conquest of China and So east Asia.

In 1941, ignoring US warnings not to do so, Japan moved troops into XSo Indochina.

Finally, Roosevelt froze Japanese assets, and the sales of all strageic war materials, including oil, leaving Japan with reserves for a two year war.

August 1941, Roosevelt and Churchil met at sea off Newfoundland, the Atlantic Charter.

Dec 7th, 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbour.

At the same time they started south, and the western colonial possesions fell like dominoes. Within 6 months Japan had subjigated the great crescent of so east asia.

WWII became a global war for survival from AXIS agression.

Lt Col. Evans Carlson had warned Rosevelt not to trust Japan, and that he feared Japan would attack the US, but Rousevelt brushed aside this warning and Colson had to leave the Marines.

Carlson was returned to service immediately after hes "intelligence" was demonstrated to be spot on. He gave birth to Carlsons Raiders.